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Our relationship with snakes has always been a contentious one. Throughout history, different cultures have worshipped or revered its mysterious form. Most of us today would run away from one at first sight, but we are still fascinated by its mysterious form, its exquisite colors and patterns, its graceful movement across the ground, and its never-closing eyes.

The lion is one of the world's most feared creatures, yet it is also one of the most popular animals at any zoo.

Although the Bible portrays the serpent as the Devil, many societies have venerated the snake since prehistoric times. The ability of the snake to shed its skin has been a symbol for fertility, regeneration and resurrection from the Aztecs through to the Egyptians.Breitling Bentley Replica Watches The snake was also a symbol for death, rebirth, and medicine among the ancient Greeks.Breitling Bentley Replica Watches The symbol of a pharmacy is often a snake coiling around a chalice that belongs to Hygieia the Greek goddess for health.

Hygieia is the Greek goddess for health

Snakes have been a part of jewelry design since ancient Egypt and Rome. The Middle Ages saw it fall out of favor due to its association to the Devil. However, the Art Nouveau movement brought back the motif in the late-19th century.

Bulgari began making jewels in the late 1940s. The Italian jeweler was founded in 1884 and had gained a reputation for its decorative silverware. Sotirio Bulgari didn't start making jewelry until 1905. Early pieces of jewelry by Bulgari are difficult to authenticate because, like many jewelers at the time, none of them were signed.

Bulgari's first serpent jewelry was a bracelet-watch designed in the Machine Age. Its coiled body, inspired by the shape of a gas pipe called Tubogas (in Italian), would wrap around the wrist and had a small watch embedded in its head.

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